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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Very short limited parser puzzle game, May 19, 2024
by Fie

A limited parser game, like Blue Lacuna in that you type keywords to interact with them, without verbs. You are in a workshop full of automatons that interact with the noun you type in. For example, typing >ambler has a mechanical hand pick up the ambler automaton.

Even >look is disabled. If you type >wait or its shortform >z, you get an equivalent. Additionally, the bolded 'items' in the room remind you of their existence every turn, so there's no need to scroll back up. I found this feature very useful.

The puzzles remain decently hard, despite the limited verbset. You can get permanently stuck, but the game is very short and it's easy to restart.

The writing is also very in-universe. I thought it maybe was trying to do a little too much for such a short game, but I did really like how you could (Spoiler - click to show)apologize to the invading dragon and have a peaceful ending.

The mechanic is fun and I would love to see it used again/the game expanded.

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