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by Christopher Gaylo


About the Story

The creator recalls Highnoon was written on a timeshared system leased by Syosset High Scool from ‘Call-a-computer’ company (Later named Advanced Systems Labs) on Long Island, NY. The program is written in early BASIC and is less than 4 pages printed out. Development was all done via teletype terminal dialed into the server with a maximum user storage of 6.4K. Due to the limited persistent storage, other programs including Highnoon were transfered to paper punch tape off the mainframe. The author still has a copy of the binary program file and an ASCII print out of the code.

( from http://www.mybitbox.com/highnoon-1970/ )

Page Update History

v.4: 08-Sep-2015 19:32 - Cena (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed description
v.3: 22-Jan-2021 09:06 - Cena
Changed description
v.2: 08-Sep-2015 19:35 - hallyvorc
Changed description
  v.1: 08-Sep-2015 19:32 - hallyvorc
Created page

Game Details