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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Ooooh! A new challenging chess problem for brainstorming, October 2, 2022
Related reviews: Chess, IFcomp-2022

I played and enjoyed this game in IFMUD last week testing online with Andrew S. (Thank you Andrew). We were playing the game in the middle of a brainstorming, why? Becouse this is a chess puzzle IF based on a famous chess end-game plot.
This is one of the two entries Andrew brings to this year IFcomp.
Ok then!, this is a chess problem ported to IF game, but it is not only that. This is a scene where you have to resolve a strategic battle situation. As usual from Andrew (I remember his last game about a malefical queen) this is a very well implemented game. Nevertheless I would prefer more epic literature every time I fail in the game. The theme gives it a lot of possibilities since it could be some battle in the Victorian era, Middle earth battle between orcs and dwarves, etc. This is the literature I missed here wich could improve the game giving it a soul.

No matter what I have written upwards, this is a polished game and any adventurer can enjoy it, being a chess master or a total begginer.


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