In this relatively short game set inside your house, you wander about trying to deal with your clothing that has come to life. You have to subdue and wear each piece to win.
The clothing acts like NPCs, and are pretty amusing. The puzzles are light and I finished in 15 minutes.
The story is simple, the puzzles are simple, the writing is plain, but the game concept and execution is a lot of fun.
Short fun game.
I changed my scoring system after I gave my original 2 star review. My new system uses these criteria:
Polished: I encountered no bugs and only a few whitespace issues.
Descriptiveness: It's a little spare but is packed with jokes.
Emotion: It is funny, if a bit silly.
Interactivity: I found the puzzles satisfying.
Would I play again? Probably not. I didn't think of it until a commenter reminded me.
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