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En una noche de invierno vino el trapero cantando bajo tu ventana
Spanish original version 2008.
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Once upon a winter night, the ragman came singing under your window

by Expio

Inform 7

About the Story

"Maybe it was the cold or the sensation of emptiness to my side, but I was fully awake. I didn't dare to move, so I just lay there, very still, looking at the ceiling with my hands hidden under the sheets.

I suppose it has happened to you some time. You wake up in the late hours in the night, with the sensation that there's someone in your room, and end up lightning a candle to find that there's nobody there, just a nocturnal mouse at most.

Only this time I knew he was nearby."

First created for the Spanish competition Rapidocomp 2.


Rapidocomp 2 (2008)
Premios en las categorías de Obra más literaria y
Mejor PSI (el trapero).
Premios Hispanos 2008
Premio en la categoría de Calidad Literaria.

English localization by Ruber Eaglenest for Ectocomp 2019.

Editorial revision by Caleb Wilson.

Page Update History

  v.3: 04-Jan-2021 13:25 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.2: 11-Jul-2020 00:03 - Zape
Changed download links
v.1: 02-Nov-2019 01:51 - Ruber Eaglenest
Created page

Game Details