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Page Update History

  v.9: 11-Feb-2024 08:01 - Cerfeuil (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.8: 31-Oct-2023 18:26 - Zape
Changed cross-references
v.7: 26-May-2013 09:01 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.6: 29-Apr-2009 19:49 - Dave Chapeskie
Changed download links
v.5: 30-Apr-2008 11:09 - Paul O'Brian
Changed cover art
v.4: 30-Apr-2008 11:07 - Paul O'Brian
Changed cover art
v.3: 07-Apr-2008 17:52 - Paul O'Brian
Changed title
v.2: 26-Oct-2007 16:53 - Paul O'Brian
Changed title, IFIDs, publication date, version number, license type, development system, language, series name, episode number, genre, Baf's Guide ID, author
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:48 - IFDB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

One of the things that I wanted to see in part 3 was more team work. Well, that wish was fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams. In this, the final part of the story, you play both Emily and Austin Colborn. You can freely switch between controlling one or the other at any time. In fact, it is critical to do this in order to figure out which of them will have the needed super-power to get past whatever is blocking the path. This game is much more tightly timed than parts one or two. This is especially true of the final battle, which is a desperate race against the clock with little room for error.
-- Adam Myrow

Overall Luminous Horizon is a great way to pass the time and nice conclusion to the saga started by Earth and Sky. While it might not be the most challenging text adventure you're likely to come across, it is still amusing and certainly has made its mark in the annals of interactive fiction.
-- Jennifer Maddox
See the full review

Game Details