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Confessing to a Witch

by HeckinRobin

About the Story

As a florist in a small village, you weren’t very hopeful that your confession to your witch friend would go well. But you DEFINITELY didn’t expect this...

Page Update History

  v.3: 14-Jan-2024 13:19 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs, download links
v.2: 07-Apr-2022 14:38 - kaemi
Changed external review links
v.1: 06-Apr-2022 11:55 - kaemi
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

Wade’s Important Astrolabe
I found the combination of the narrator's building nervousness in the prose and the inexorable first person visual trek towards the house (through a forest, over a bridge, towards the house, etc.) to be surprisingly effective. "Surprisingly" makes it sound like I expected there to be something wrong; the surprise for me was simply that even without a parser, this presentation took me back to the earliest graphic adventure games.
See the full review

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