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The Pirate's Cave

by Margaret Anderson

Episode 216 of Eamon

About the Story

Help track down Prince Charlie, who has been captured by Dirty Dick and his pirates. This is a small, simple adventure suitable for younger folks or novice characters.

This adventure is part of the Eamon universe. Like all Eamon adventures, it is an RPG-style game, mostly using a two-word parser. Because Eamon is a modular system, you may bring a character and equipment from other adventures into this one.

Page Update History

  v.7: 10-Jan-2020 05:50 - Denk (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.6: 30-Dec-2019 11:19 - Denk
Changed description
v.5: 08-Jul-2018 06:36 - Denk
Changed description, Web site URL, download links
v.4: 26-Jun-2009 08:58 - GDL
Changed publication date
v.3: 14-Nov-2007 19:31 - Esa Peuha
Changed development system, series name, episode number
v.2: 26-Oct-2007 20:37 - Esa Peuha
Changed development system
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:50 - IFDB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review


This too is an adventure that was written for an 8-year-old boy. It seems to have hit the target audience very well. This adventure is a bit more sophisticated than #215, getting plus points for a fair number of locked doors to open and a clear quest to fulfill. I felt that the 39-room map was a bit less interesting to explore than the one in #215; hence the slightly lower rating.
See the full review

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