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The Beetmonger's Journal

by Scott Starkey profile


About the Story

"Victor Lapot and I were miles from base camp on the south continent, once again hacking through previously unsurveyed lands and searching for forgotten cultures. The expedition reminded me of our grand adventures of old, that is, if I ignored Lapot's 100-man paparazzi tirelessly trailing us." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]

Page Update History

  v.7: 07-May-2022 23:25 - Paul O'Brian (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.6: 10-Apr-2013 16:02 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.5: 15-May-2009 13:50 - Yekrats
Changed forgiveness, author
v.4: 08-May-2008 21:11 - Emily Short
Changed cover art
v.3: 23-Apr-2008 17:49 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.2: 29-Feb-2008 14:30 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:48 - IFDB
Created page

2 Off-Site Reviews

There's definitely a lot going for this game. It's well written, and its dead-serious treatment of a conflict between the general populace and the secret order of beetmongers made for an amusing atmosphere. The treatment of perspective in the game is interesting as well. You start the game as Aubrey, but all your commands influence what Lapot does, and the game responds with Aubrey's interpretation of what happens. Avielle's section is in the past tense, so it seems that what you do is simply what is recorded in the journal Lapot is translating. Those are very nice touches.
-- Cameron Wilkin
See the full review

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

I have to say, I was quite impressed with all [the] POV manipulation -- I think it was the best part of the whole game. I got excited just thinking about the possibilities for parallel action and dramatic irony that this technique opens up. This particular game doesn't take much advantage of these possibilities, but it does a fine job of breaking new ground on the trail blazed by games like Being Andrew Plotkin.
See the full review

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