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Strange Odyssey

by Scott Adams

About the Story

At the galaxy's rim, there are rewards aplenty to be harvested from a long-dead alien civilization, including fabulous treasures and advanced technologies far beyond human ken! Prepare yourself for the incredible!

(Note - The Inform conversion of this game does not reproduce an important screen effect present in the original 8-bit versions. It may be faulty in other areas.)

Page Update History

  v.9: 15-Nov-2021 15:31 - Petter Sjölund (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs
v.8: 06-Mar-2013 06:05 - Wade Clarke
Changed publication date, description
v.7: 26-Feb-2013 09:39 - Wade Clarke
Changed description, forgiveness
v.6: 26-Feb-2013 05:57 - Wade Clarke
Changed publication date, development system, description, Web site URL
v.5: 04-Jul-2011 10:34 - Jimmy Maher
Changed publication date
v.4: 11-Mar-2008 22:43 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.3: 19-Feb-2008 23:57 - Emily Short
Changed cover art
v.2: 31-Jan-2008 14:59 - onyx
Changed IFIDs
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:48 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details