2004 IF Art Show

A competition for IF art pieces with minimal use of plots or puzzles. Entrants were expected to focus on objects (Still Life division), scenery/rooms (Landscape division), NPCs (Portrait division), or activities (Event division).

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Series: IF Art Show

Official Web site: http://www.iffydoemain.org/iffyart/secondfl.htm

Organizer(s): Marnie Parker

Judge(s): J.D. Berry, Jon Ingold profile, Mike Roberts profile, Emily Short profile, Adam Thornton profile, and Chrysoula Tzavelas

Award date: June 9, 2004

Submission deadline: May 28, 2004

Games and Awards

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Best of Show: The Fire Tower, by Jacqueline A. Lott
Best of Landscape: Swanglass, by Yoon Ha Lee
Entrant: Last Ride of the Night, by Mordechai Shinefield

Still Life

Best of Still Life: Flametop, by David J. Malaguti


Honorable Mention: The Battle of Walcot Keep, by Steve Breslin, Eric Eve, and Lindsey Hair

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