
Member since July 21, 2021
Last visited July 13, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): qrab0diqpihr9pb2

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Hi! I'm an author from the Midwestern US, working on my WIP, Magician's Voyage

News about games authored by ArloElm (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by ArloElm

Magician's Voyage, by A.E. Elm (2021)
(3 ratings)
It's your first job as a full-fledged Green Magician! The Magicians Order has hired you to transport magical artifacts across Midland, where they will be studied and their true natures revealed....

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Reviews by ArloElm

System Processing, by Albie   March 26, 2023
"I very much enjoyed this game. The player character is an AI named Ov, a caretaker aboard an interstellar ship orbiting a giant sentient..." - See the full review

Signal Hill, by Crosshollow   March 14, 2023
"The first thing that stands out about this game is the UI. Styled after old VCR graphics, it's eye-catching and retro in a way that..." - See the full review

Zorlok, by Albie   November 20, 2022
"At the time I'm writing this review, only the game's prologue and character creation are available to play, but that's more than enough..." - See the full review

The Archivist and the Revolution, by Autumn Chen   October 13, 2022
"One of my favorite things about this game is its ability to capture that feeling one gets upon discovering historical connections and..." - See the full review

Esther's, by Brad Buchanan and Alleson Buchanan   October 8, 2022
"Esther's is a very short game, about 5 minutes of read/play time, and that is a perfect length for a game that models itself after a..." - See the full review

See all 8 reviews by ArloElm
See all ratings and reviews by ArloElm