Joshua WilsonMember since April 17, 2011 E-mail: [click to reveal] |
> x Joshua
He has pink skin, thinning hair and an audaciously absent Oxford comma.
> ask Joshua about Joshua
"Me? Happily married cis-het father of two! These days, I code for a living and hack by night. I'm also a once and future PhD candidate studying Constructive Theology and Homiletics. Some call me Captain Edgecase. I have a reputation for attracting rare and subtle software errors. And solving them! I promise!"
> mug Joshua
"Your money or your life, chummer!" you cry out menacingly.
He turns pale and hands you his wallet. "Easy friend, easy. Mother was right. I really shouldn't talk to strangers..."
> take wallet
> quit
Are you sure you want to quit? y
Djinn on the Rocks, by Joshua Wilson (2021) (12 ratings) James Merl III is a thrice-cursed pain in your magically imprisoned butt. What are you going to do about it? ... |