
the Eastern Seaboard

Member since April 14, 2008
Last visited April 20, 2009
Profile ID (TUID): iskjt1c6tj70k35u

I enjoy books, movies based on books, books based on movies, graphic novels, non-fiction, and - naturally - interactive fiction. My favorite games are ones with built-in graduated hint systems, no time constraints, well-developed NPCs, and lots of objects to "X".

Recommended Lists by sweetclare

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Polls by sweetclare

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Reviews by sweetclare

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sweetclare's Play Lists

Played Games

Floatpoint, by Emily Short

Wish List

Winter Wonderland, by Tim Walsha and Simon Lipscomb
Ekphrasis, by FibreTigre

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to her "Not Interested" List yet.