Your life literally started on the garbage heap, and should have ended there. You are a fly in search of food. How were you to know this would be the end of your normal existence?
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Reviews by Hensman Int'l
Ba'Roo!, by Hensman Int'l August 30, 2010 (edited: August 31, 2010)
Just another day, by Simply Ryan August 30, 2010 (edited: August 31, 2010)
""This is a game with no story, no direction, and no instruction. This is a game meant to make a statement in the world." I agree with the..." - See the full review
Motion, by Abbi Park August 30, 2010 (edited: August 31, 2010)
"Reminds me of the old arcade game "Moon Lander", but backwards to the DOS games (ASCII characters to build an image). Unlike an actual..." - See the full review
Camelot, by Finn Rosenløv August 30, 2010 (edited: August 31, 2010)
"When I first saw the title "Camelot" I was prepared for a serious medieval plot and spending hours on end to achieve a crusade-like goal...." - See the full review
Light up, by The Dominant Species August 30, 2010 (edited: August 31, 2010)
"Started as a good mystery, then transitioned thorough strange, weird, to disgusting. The combat near the end was a lot of typing -..." - See the full review