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The World Turned Upside Down

by Bruno Dias profile

(based on 6 ratings)
3 reviews8 members have played this game. It's on 4 wishlists.

About the Story

It's just shy of closing time on the last Saturday before Christmas; only a handful of regulars left in the bar. Peaceful, even, in spite of all of the city's damage.

And then he walks in with some messed-up story about a costumed vigilante.

A Mere Anarchy/Cape Christmas Special.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 6 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Well-written short piece with a sense of more, December 27, 2015
by streever (America)

The World Turned Upside Down is well-written and rather short; it seems to build on the worlds depicted in Cape & Mere Anarchy, but I didn't feel the connection.

The world-building is as spare as it is in Mere Anarchy, and it's effective at creating the sense of something deeper; however, this work seems to struggle to create a sense of character, which surprised me after the success of Anarchy & Cape in creating a very believable protagonist and side characters. The side characters are interesting and I want to know more about them, or see what they think about the main interaction between the protagonist and the visitor, but we don't get to, and I can't help but feel that we're missing an important chance to learn more about the story and the experience.

You are immediately informed that you can finish the game with only 3 commands; wait, interject, and examine. Examine gives slightly more context, and interjecting vs waiting changes the ending, but I couldn't really understand the motives or outcomes here. I played through Cape & Mere Anarchy thinking I was missing some crucial context, but I didn't find it. I may have missed something important, but I was left with the sense of an unfinished vignette that takes place somewhat related to the other two stories; I could see this story as a unifying episode establishing a link between the other two, or as simply a side story in the same world.

Ultimately, the story-telling is good, the writing is solid, and I recommend this short game; I'm looking forward to whatever comes next & hope that we can learn more about the characters and situations in this world.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A cosy, gritty New Year's vignette, March 25, 2018
by verityvirtue (London)
Related reviews: melancholic

[Time to completion: 10-15 mins]

A New Year's Eve offering from Bruno Dias, set in the same world as Cape and Mere Anarchy.

When I played this for the first time, I had barely played the games referenced here, so why did it appeal so much to me? It's something about being a refuge from chaos, a safe place where those who put things right can rest - for now. The characters are weary, but at peace.

Its size and scope are kept deliberately small: the verb set is pared down to three verbs; the setting, to one room. But that one room suggests an entire world - one the player gets to know through its people rather than its locations. For a New Year’s Eve story, The World Turned Upside Down doesn’t point so much to hope for the year ahead, as it does to the fixing of past wrongs.

Disclaimer: I identify, to a frightening extent, with one of the characters.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A short parser game tying in the authors other games, June 11, 2016

This game is a short amusement that ties in a few elements from the author's different games. As far as I know, this is the author's only parser game.

It has a small command set, requiring only Examine, Look, and Interject. You are a bar owner around Christmas time when an irregular regular comes into the bar with a crazy project.

Overall, I recommend this game for fans of any of Bruno's games.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: December 24, 2015
Current Version: 2
License: Freeware
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 4993BEB1-68AB-4623-AEAD-A50C4419CE9D
TUID: o89pnw94ll1t3z9k

Makes reference to Mere Anarchy, by Bruno Dias
Makes reference to Cape, by Bruno Dias

Followed by sequel Not All Things Make It Across, by Bruno Dias

The World Turned Upside Down on IFDB

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