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An Individual Choice

by eladnarra and silasoftrees


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About the Story

"An Individual Choice" is a Twine prototype made by eladnarra and silasoftrees for the 2024 Single Choice Jam.

You spend a week going about normal activities, and the only choice is whether you wear a mask on the first day. Wearing a mask has been reframed as an "individual choice" these days, rather than a collective one. (Unless you live where masks have been banned, in which case it isn't a choice at all.)

There are no predetermined endings; events are randomized, and their likelihood is based on real-world statistics and medical research, such as the estimated percentage of the US population with COVID-19 while this game was being written (2.8%).

We do want to note this isn't a true simulation, however, since data is limited for certain variables. Most notably, COVID transmission is affected by so many factors that it is difficult to estimate. We did the best we could with a combination of the data that does exist, some educated guesses and assumptions, and playtesting for "feel." But we do want to work on this further to see if we can make it more accurate.



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This is version 2 of this page, edited by JTN on 17 August 2024 at 10:10pm. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page