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Aquatic Attack

by Whichcraft


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About the Story

## Story depends on how long you select choice.##


The upcoming weekend is your 2 months anniversary with your Tuna Girlfriend.

Good date place, delicious food and some deep talk with her shall make you closer.

Moreover, you have a special plan and surprise for her.

Let’s make this date as a good memorable date as possible!

PS. This date you have only 1 answer for each situation.

Any Uncertainty mind, hesitation, or thoughtless answers may affect to her mood.

So Please pay attention to your girlfriend's questions. Good luck!


This game makes for Single Choice Jam



2 Endings [Bad End and Good End]

Beautiful lovely fish girlfriend
1 choice
A lot of Fish


Story : Parn

Programming : Whichcraft

Art : Whichcraft

SFX : Pixabay

Created with Ren'PY



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