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The Anxious Object

by Karol El Masri


(based on 1 rating)
1 review2 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

Called "The Anxious object" the story relies on an exaggerated amount of detail about the effect that objects and surroundings have on people, so that what is accepted as real in daily life, ceases to be real and transforms into something magical.

Ratings and Reviews

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Well written and interesting, November 13, 2016
by macabremobster2 (Frederick, Colorado)

The Anxious Object is a very interesting game about the effects of objects and things in someone's life that takes a turn towards magical realism as the game progresses. The descriptions are well-written, tone is consistent, and the speed at which the story progresses matches that tone well. My only complaint is that the story stops abruptly when you get close to the end, whether with a completely blank screen or a screen with text but nothing to click on. It brings the tone to a screeching halt. I do realize this is an incomplete game, and I hope to give it a higher score when the story is complete. All in all, worth a look, but probably more worth your time once it's finished.

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