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Legend of Time (Demo)

by Jsimmons


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About the Story

Do you really have what it takes to be the Hero of Time, of Legend? Do you have what it takes to be the Link?

You wake up in a quiet village, with a plan to explore the great land to the north, but just as your adventures are beginning, you are plunged into a quest to save the king and kingdom from an evil sorcerer.

Involving many puzzle dungeons, various combat sequences, and a fairly predictable and familiar storyline, this game will eventually be very long.

Legend of Zelda and the characters therein belong to Nintendo.


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Game Details

First Publication Date: October 19, 2013
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: quest
IFID: 2581F02A-DDE6-4D96-AA8B-8E50D71C160B
TUID: 45fngzapvepfv7n6

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