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Contains Parthenon​/Parthenon.zblorb
All the entries to IntroComp 2011.
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by Charles Wickersham profile

Inform 7

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About the Story

You have been planning this trip for years, ever since you married Cameron. It was supposed to be your honeymoon....but procrastination and money problems made you put it off and put it off, until you finally decided it was either take the trip now or you would probably put it off until the end of time.

So now here you are, after a long flight and a seemingly longer ride in a stuffy taxi or “ταξίδι”, standing in front of the Parthenon with the love of your life, feeling as though you are both still newlyweds...

(This was an entry to IntroComp, and is thus incomplete.)


Honorable Mention - IntroComp 2011


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: July 1, 2011
Current Version: 1
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 774C6DC8-651E-11E0-B1AA-0014A5BCFBD9
TUID: xncozmg01k6gjn5k

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