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by Tim Bednall, Elizabeth Merlot, Dan Laurence, and Alycia O'Sullivan


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About the Story

Ozzipalooza follows the story of Alex, a recent graduate of Swinburne University and Events Manager at ABC Events. Alex faces the most daunting professional challenge of her career: she has been put in charge of organising Ozzipalooza, a major music festival.

Along the way, you will be asked to make decisions to help Alex achieve her goal of making the festival a big success. These decisions will draw on your knowledge of management concepts.

You will be working with three members of Alex's team: (1) Marco, an events officer responsible for organising a venue, (2) Mei Ling, a marketing and communications specialist, and (3) John, a talent coordinator with many contacts in the music industry. Alex reports to Ali, the owner and managing director of ABC events.

At the end of the game, you will receive feedback on your ability to plan, organise, lead and control.


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