Results for series:InsideADRIFT1-8 of 8
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8 results found
6 games; award date August 22, 2010InsideADRIFT Summer Competition 2010 was a competition for previously unreleased ADRIFT games, organized by Ken Franklin.
7 games in 3 divisionsThe 2009 InsideADRIFT Awards were organized by Duncan Bowsman. The voting deadline was January 22, 2010.
5 games; award date July 31, 2008A competition for any unreleased, but complete, ADRIFT games, organized by Ken Franklin.
6 games; award date December 30, 2007This is a competition for any game made using ADRIFT that was either released during the calendar year 2007 or has not been previously released. The winners of mainstream ADRIFT competitions (eg: Ectocomp 2007) will automatically be...
6 games; award date December 31, 2006This is a competition for any game made using ADRIFT that was either released during the calendar year 2006 or has not been previously released. The winners of mainstream ADRIFT competitions (eg: InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2006, ADRIFT...
3 games; award date July 21, 2006InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2006 for unreleased games created in ADRIFT. The deadline was June 30th, 2006. This date was earlier to reduce possible scheduling conflicts with Spring Thing and IF Comp. The voting deadline was 21st July 2006....
5 games; award date August 28, 2005The InsideADRIFT Summer Competition was open for any unreleased, but complete, Adrift games. Competition entries were to be in by 21 August 2005 with judging taking place in the following week. The voting deadline was 1500 GMT, Sunday,...
6 gamesInsideADRIFT End of Year Comp 2004 a.k.a. InsideADRIFT Game of the Year Comp 2004 was for both new Adrift games and any Adrift game released during the 2004 calendar year. The submission deadline was: December 19th, 2004.