The Golden Voyage, by Scott Adams and William Demas Average member rating: (2 ratings) The king lies near death in the royal palace. You have only three days to bring back the elixir needed to rejuvenate him. Journey through the lands of magic fountains, sacred temples, stormy seas and gold,... |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky Average member rating: (188 ratings) Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary... |
Hollywood Hijinx, by Dave Anderson, Liz Cyr-Jones Average member rating: (34 ratings) Vampire Penguins. A Corpse Line. Meltdown on Elm Street. Who could forget these classic Hollywood movies produced by your uncle, Buddy Burbank? But his greatest masterpiece has yet to be experienced...... |
I'm Gonna Take You To The Video Bar!, by James Mitchelhill Average member rating: (6 ratings) |
Il Giardino Incantato, by Marco Vallarino Average member rating: (1 rating) The mighty warrior Aragon Smith has to overcome the traps and the monsters of an enchanted land to rescue his girlfriend who has been kidnapped by a powerful wizard. |
Ill Wind, by Marshal Tenner Winter explorington's rating: Average member rating: (8 ratings) Your friend and fellow private dick, Jack Sullivan, has telegrammed you saying he's onto something big while investigating the Lanzetti murder and desperately needs your help. So here you are, two days... |
Infidel, by Michael Berlyn Average member rating: (62 ratings) Infidel finds you marooned by your followers in the heart of the deadly Egyptian Desert. A soldier of fortune by trade, you've come hither in search of a great lost pyramid and its untold riches. Now, alone,... |
Jesse Stavro's Doorway, by Marshal Tenner Winter Average member rating: (13 ratings) Jordan is looking for his friend, Jesse, who is in hiding from the government. Picking up the trail, he discovers that Jesse is following the Grateful Dead on tour, but as Jordan immerses himself into the... |
La Pietra della Luna, by Paolo Lucchesi Average member rating: (2 ratings) Un oscuro pericolo minaccia la pacifica valle di Nigat e il mondo intero. Un giovane investigatore al servizio dell'inquisizione dovra' riuscire a scoprire cosa nascondono le notti nella foresta e quali... |
Lazy Jones e il meritato riposo, by Gabriele Lazzara An entry in the 2008 One Room Game Competition. Voglia di dormire... Caspita che mattinata stressante: fila alla posta per riscuotere l'assegno dell'ultima missione. Ritorno a casa dopo due ore di... |
Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota Average member rating: (500 ratings) Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk just forget. -- IFComp 2007 blurb |
The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling Average member rating: (94 ratings) A winter night at the G.U.E. tech campus with most students away on vacation serves as the backdrop for this tale of Lovecraftian horror. |
A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky Average member rating: (118 ratings) "If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare It's 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling... |
The Moon Watch, by Paolo Maroncelli and Alessandro Peretti Average member rating: (9 ratings) An entry in the 2008 One Room Game Competition. You're an ordinary Soviet citizen, but to your surprise you are selected to play a highly important part in the defence of the Motherland - and then the crisis... |
Moonmist, by Stu Galley, Jim Lawrence Average member rating: (50 ratings) More ghosts haunt the misty sea-coast and stone ramparts of Cornwall than anyplace else on earth. One such soul roams Tresyllian Castle: a pale phantom with flaxen hair and a luminous, flowing gown. It seems... |
Mystery Fun House, by Scott Adams Average member rating: (7 ratings) As Adventure #7 begins, you find yourself hopelessly lost in the middle of a carnival fun house. While escape may elude you, one thing is very clear -- you're NOT here to have a good time! Converted from... |
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It, by Jeff O'Neill Average member rating: (60 ratings) You are standing at the edge of a barren field. A steady wind, having secreted away the topsoil, is now drifting sandy dirt across the plain. A scant sign of life here is a freshly-burrowed molehill on the... |
Photopia, by Adam Cadre Average member rating: (568 ratings) "Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together." |
Pirate Adventure, by Scott Adams and Alexis Adams Average member rating: (36 ratings) Only by exploring this strange island will you be able to uncover the clues necessary to lead you to your elusive goal -- recovering the lost treasures of Long John Silver. Converted from original code by... |
Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky Average member rating: (121 ratings) "Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic... |