Karl Ove Hufthammer's Wish List

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Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
Average member rating: (217 ratings)

In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry. ...

Snack Time!, by Hardy the Bulldog and Renee Choba
Average member rating: (60 ratings)

Can you help one hungry bulldog in his quest to find something good to eat? He would like that. A lot. [blurb from IF Comp 2008]

Suveh Nux, by David Fisher
Average member rating: (225 ratings)

An entry in the 2007 One Room Game Competition. You play a magician's servant who gets trapped in your master's vault; you'll need to learn some of his tricks if you want to get out.

Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me, by Mike Sousa and Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (35 ratings)

Dr. Taylor's looking worried. Dr. Kurner's looking exhausted. Zak is grinning with glee. Today is the big day, and you're about to try out the crowning experiment of your life, and in AtlantisLab's chequered...

To Hell in a Hamper, by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (111 ratings)

Professor Pettibone, eminent Victorian balloonist, has a problem. He can't get it up. His balloon that is. If he can't reach an altitude of 20,000 feet, and soon, both he and his mysterious travelling...

Toby's Nose, by Chandler Groover
Average member rating: (116 ratings)

A murder most foul has been committed and Sherlock Holmes is on the case. You are his dog.

Worlds Apart, by Suzanne Britton
Average member rating: (91 ratings)

For over 20 years, I dreamed about an alternate universe I called the Higher World. For three of those years, I poured almost all of my creative energy into a novel-length story set in that universe. Worlds...

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