beeeeeebop's Wish List

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The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe year. I have...

Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
Average member rating: (494 ratings)

Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk just forget. -- IFComp 2007 blurb

The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (92 ratings)

A winter night at the G.U.E. tech campus with most students away on vacation serves as the backdrop for this tale of Lovecraftian horror.

Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

The call comes through. Of all the dicks; you get the call, sitting in the front seat of your car, hands shaking on the steering wheel. An urgent call; but all you were thinking of was the bottle in the...

Narcolepsy, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (62 ratings)

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (560 ratings)

"Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."

Pick Up The Phone Booth And Die, by Rob Noyes
Average member rating: (112 ratings)

A very short game. Whatever you do, do not pick up the phone booth; well, you can guess from the title what happens if you do. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

"Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic...

Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
Average member rating: (215 ratings)

In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry. ...

Spider and Web, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (313 ratings)

A vacation in our lovely country! See the ethnic charms of the countryside, the historic grandeur of the capital city. Taste our traditional cuisine; smell the flowers of the Old Tree. And all without...

Sunset Over Savannah, by Ivan Cockrum
Average member rating: (54 ratings)

In this game, you play as an office worker on vacation on a beach in Savannah. This is your last day of a very blissful vacation, and you realize you really really hate your job. You could quit, but should...

Superluminal Vagrant Twin, by C.E.J. Pacian
Average member rating: (120 ratings)

A text-only space sim. Ply the spaceways. Make five million credits. Buy back your twin. (Superluminal Vagrant Twin is a shallow but broad exploration game.)

Taco Fiction, by Ryan Veeder
Average member rating: (115 ratings)

Taco Fiction is a game about crime.

Three-Card Trick, by Chandler Groover
Average member rating: (64 ratings)

You're going to perform a three-card trick or your name isn't Morgan the Magnificent.

Trinity, by Brian Moriarty
Average member rating: (102 ratings)

You're neither an adventurer nor a professional thrill-seeker. You're simply an American tourist in London, enjoying a relaxing stroll through the famous Kensington Gardens. When World War III starts and the...

Uncle Zebulon's Will, by Magnus Olsson
Average member rating: (62 ratings)

Your eccentric Uncle Zebulon considered himself a wizard, and was rumoured to be very wealthy. But when he died, he only left you one single object in his will... Winner in the TADS division of the First...

Violet, by Jeremy Freese
Average member rating: (384 ratings)

Calm down. All you have to do is write a thousand words and everything will be fine. And you have all day, except it's already noon. [blurb from IF Comp 2008]

Whom The Telling Changed, by Aaron A. Reed
Average member rating: (64 ratings)

The people had always gathered on moonless nights to hear the stories, since the time of their ancestors' ancestors. The heat of the fire and the glow in the storyteller's eyes made the past present, and the...

The Wizard Sniffer, by Buster Hudson
Average member rating: (131 ratings)

You were recently acquired by the brave Ser Leonhart and his squire to sniff out the evil shapeshifting wizard. Unfortunately, you are not a wizard sniffer (if such a thing even exists). As far as you can...

Worlds Apart, by Suzanne Britton
Average member rating: (90 ratings)

For over 20 years, I dreamed about an alternate universe I called the Higher World. For three of those years, I poured almost all of my creative energy into a novel-length story set in that universe. Worlds...

Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (218 ratings)

Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these...

Zork II, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Average member rating: (97 ratings)

The Wizard appears, floating nonchalantly in the air beside you. He grins sideways at you. The Wizard incants "Fantasize," but nothing happens. He shakes his wand. Nothing happens. With a slightly...

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