MathBrush's Played Games

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Parley!, by GammaEpsilonCrimson
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

a partial list of things for which i am grateful, by Devon Guinn
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (14 ratings)

i hope that this list will never be finished

Party Foul, by Brooks Reeves
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (33 ratings)

You're cornered, trapped. There seems to be no escape. You aren't in a jail cell. No, you're in the cocktail party from hell and only by using your wits and luck are you going to get out of this suburb...

A Party to Murder, by David Good
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

In financial difficulties, you go to meet with a neighbor during a party. However, he seems to be missing. Where could he be? And who are these mysterious party guests? Watch out for the police, they seem to...

Pas De Deux, by Linus Åkesson
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

Striding into the spotlight, you smile as you look out over the crowd. It's a good turnout tonight. Now it is up to the Bournebrook Rill Community Orchestra and you, maestro Nevada Elmsbee, to deliver a...

Pascal's Wager, by Doug Egan
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

"The original Pascal's Wager was essentially a cost/benefit analysis of religious faith. However, Blaise Pascal (a 17th century Catholic) disregarded the possible existence of non-Christian Gods. This game...

Pass A Bill, by Leo Weinreb
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Corruption and greed run rampant across the nation and people are losing hope. That's why it's tough for a newly-elected politician like yourself; there's a lot of pressure on you to get things done. But in...

Pass the Banana, by Admiral Jota
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Passages, by Jared W Cooper
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (15 ratings)

These are all the weekends that will have passed when you read this.

Past Present, by Jim Nelson
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

"The agreement is, once the furniture is moved out of the house, each of us goes inside one at a time to collect our remaining things. ...

PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.

Pathfinder, by Tony Woods
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Patrick, by michael lutz
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

A very short game about having an uncomfortable conversation with a vaguely sinister white guy. One ending. Or is there? Ask a friend to play and then compare notes.

The Pawn, by Rob Steggles, Peter Kemp, Hugh Steers, Ken Gordon, and Geoff Quilley
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

The Pawn is an adventure game set in the magical world of Kerovnia during a period of tremendous social upheaval. Recently, King Erik, the present ruler of the land, has started to lose his hold on the...

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich: The Text Adventure, by Rex Mundane
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

You struggle against fate itself to create, and consume, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Pegasus, by Michael Kielstra
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Pegasus: the best friend of a democracy and the worst enemy of a dictator. Their Agents safeguard the liberty of the people around the world. Trained by and armed with the best humanity has to offer, they...

Pen and Paint, by Owen Parish
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

In this game, you play as a writer, waking up after hearing something downstairs. You and your wife Eleanor soon discover there's been an intruder and her paintings are infected! You'd better find your pen...

Pendragon Rising, by Ian Thomas
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Seize the throne in the age of King Arthur! Lead an army of Britons against the darkest of enemies in this epic interactive medieval fantasy novel. "Pendragon Rising" is a thrilling 112,000-word interactive...

Pensées Profondes, by Louphole
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Plonger dans l’esprit de quelqu’un, c’est comme entrer dans un tunnel. On s’abandonne à l’imagination d’un autre, on avance dans le noir, nos choix laissent place au hasard. Et l’histoire dans ce tunnel,...

The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game, by Taylor Vaughan
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (56 ratings)

Sure, there's only five of you against a world full of reactionaries, but you have Revolutionary Spirit! You can't possibly fail. Nothing can stand in your way! Now if only you could find your Revolutionary...

Perdition's Flames, by Michael J. Roberts
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

The afterlife isn't what you expected. Explore a strangely modernized and bureaucratic underworld, replete with strip malls, government offices, and science labs, as well as the occasional lake of molten...

Perihelion, by Tim White
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

What comets may come

The Periwink, by Jedediah Berry
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

It's your last day as her ladyship's groundskeeper—but you still have a little work left to do. A Petite Mort entry for ECTOCOMP 2016.

Persistence of Memory, by Jason Dyer
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Personality Rights, by Sumana Harihareswara
MathBrush's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

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