dodge's Wish List

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Firebird, by Bonnie Montgomery
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

"Firebird is based on the Old Russian folk tales that inspired the Stravinsky piece of the same name. You are Prince Ivan, and have been charged by your father, the tsar, to find the Firebird that has been...

Glowgrass, by Nate Cull
Average member rating: (100 ratings)

You play as a xenohistorian on an expedition. You've been dropped (more literally than you planned) by a dropship over the ground of the Ancients. Your equipment was scattered and the dropship crashed. Now...

Gourmet, by Aaron A. Reed and Chad Barb
Average member rating: (55 ratings)

Missing employees, wily crustaceans, malfunctioning kitchen equipment and a terminal food shortage, all on the night the most important culinary critic in the world has chosen to review your debut...

Gun Mute, by C.E.J. Pacian
Average member rating: (154 ratings)

Step into the shoes of Mute Lawton, a lone cowboy who must stop an execution set to occur at noon by shooting his way past dangerous cyborgs and mutants in a post-apocalyptic western setting. (From the...

Hallowmoor, by Mike Snyder
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

Your quest: infiltrate Castle Hallowmoor, find the potion, and make it out alive. This is a Halloween-themed adventure -- hypertext interactive fiction playable in most modern web browsers.

Horse Master, by Tom McHenry
Average member rating: (93 ratings)

The Game of Horse Mastery

I-0, by Anonymous
Average member rating: (158 ratings)

Stranded on Interstate Zero after your car broke down, you are miles away from the last sign of civilization. It's twenty minutes to noon and the temperature is well over 120°F. It's beginning to look like...

Identity Thief, by Rob Shaw-Fuller
Average member rating: (12 ratings)

In this game, you play as a thief who uses cyber implants to steal identities and commit crimes. A "Mr. Johnson" hired you to steal a datachip from Senator Barbara Tarlette's mansion, but things went south...

Insight, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (27 ratings)

Kaged, by Ian Finley
Average member rating: (54 ratings)

""But my madness speaks: It will but skin and film the ulcerous place, Whilst rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen." Welcome to the Citadel of Justice. The Inquisitor is waiting." [--blurb from...

Little Blue Men, by Michael S. Gentry
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

This game is a joke. This game is a warning. This game is a satire. This game is inspired in equal parts by Vaclav Havel's "The Memorandum" and Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". This...

Lunatix - The Insanity Circle, by Mike Snyder
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

"The escapes continue. The patients are out of control. The asylum is terribly understaffed. As Dr. Hammer (the hospital administrator) you must uncover the truth about the so-called "Insanity Circle" in the...

Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

The call comes through. Of all the dicks; you get the call, sitting in the front seat of your car, hands shaking on the steering wheel. An urgent call; but all you were thinking of was the bottle in the...

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (131 ratings)

You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what...

A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (116 ratings)

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare It's 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling...

The Mulldoon Legacy, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (45 ratings)

"In the event of my disappearance, my legacy shall not be distributed until every room in my museum has been searched in case I can be located." --Last Will and Testament, E. Mulldoon.

Nightfall, by Eric Eve
Average member rating: (61 ratings)

The Enemy is expected to arrive at any moment. Staying behind is either the stupidest or the bravest thing you've ever done. Only one thing - or one person - could have made you stay. So now there's nothing...

The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game, by Taylor Vaughan
Average member rating: (56 ratings)

Sure, there's only five of you against a world full of reactionaries, but you have Revolutionary Spirit! You can't possibly fail. Nothing can stand in your way! Now if only you could find your Revolutionary...

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (562 ratings)

"Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."

Portal, by Rob Swigart, Brad Fregger
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Where are all the humans? Upon returning from your 100 year voyage in the milky way, you find earth empty and abandoned. Between the decaying remnants of civilization, you discover a terminal for Worldnet,...

Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (70 ratings)

On the Night of the Comet, the usual astrological bonds do not hold, and the order of the universe is threatened. It is a time made for rebels and usurpers, and all who would claim the kingdom for...

Shade, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (418 ratings)

"A one-room game set in your apartment." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]

The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

When the monks took me, aged six months, into their care, they named me Wren. Maybe because I was small, insignificant, and happy to eat any crumbs they threw my way. But these days I'm Wren, 2nd Assistant...

Shelter from the Storm, by Eric Eve
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

It is set in October 1940. Jack is a newly-commissioned sapper officer on his way to his first posting somewhere on Salisbury Plain (in southern England) when his car breaks down. The weather is starting to...

The Space Under the Window, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (99 ratings)

A new, experimental game that has no puzzles but uses only words that change your focus on things, thereby adapting the story. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

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