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Attack of the Kretons, by Nate Segerlind
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
While searching for a villain who has been terrorizing the countryside, you end up in a pathetic city which is under siege from a horde of Kreton barbarians. Now, you have to figure out what's going on, and...
Attack of the Mutaydid Meat Monsters, by Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
A mysterious murder after a meateor shower. A butcher suffers nightmares and strange deliveries. Can you save the world from the impending Attack of the Mutaydid Meat Monsters?
Attack of the Terror Tabby!!!, by Eric Mayer
Average member rating: (10 ratings)
"Oh no! The cat's ticking. It must have swallowed a bomb!"
Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, by Øyvind Thorsby
Average member rating: (31 ratings)
Attempted Assassination, by Matt Slotnick

The Attendants, by James Chew, Failbetter Games

Accept an invitation to a secret party from a mysterious acquaintance. Navigate a sinister game of hide and seek and survive the horrors of charades. Explore a manor hiding a greater half. Will you uncover...

Attrape-rêves, by Edouard Nieh

Histoire interactive de style Fantastique et érotique se lisant sur l'application Android "Attrape-Rêves".

Attrape-rêves, by Edouard Nieh

Histoire interactive de style Fantastique et érotique se lisant sur l'application Android "Attrape-Rêves".

Attrape-rêves, by Edouard Nieh

Histoire interactive de style Fantastique et érotique se lisant sur l'application Android "Attrape-Rêves".

Au royaume des aveugles on ne regarde pas les dents, by Jeesay Ash
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Incarnez une brave petite gobeline cherchant à s'élever socialement, dans cette fiction interactive expérimentale au délicieux goût d'inachevé. Ce court jeu a été réalisé pour le concours de fiction...
Auden's Eden, by Tommy Herbert
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
In this very short incomplete story, you play as someone visiting W.H. Auden's idea of paradise as described in his collection of essays called The Dyer's Hand. You've arrived by hot air balloon and welcomed...

Augmented Fourth, by Brian Uri!
Average member rating: (65 ratings)

WANTED: Amateur musicians to serve the Royal Court. Must provide own instrument and be inured to copious constructive criticism. Impress your friends! Meet the King! Apply in person at the Castle, located on...

August, by Matt Fendahleen
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Augustine, by Terrence V. Koch
Average member rating: (13 ratings)
St. Augustine, Florida is a city rich in history. Touted as the Oldest City in the United States, tourists flock to her to learn something of the nation's earliest settlers and get a sense of what life was...
Aunt Nancy's House, by Nate Schwartzman
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
"This is an interactive tour of the author's aunt's soon-to-be former home." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
Aunt Velma's Coming to Tea!, by The Spud

Aunts and Butlers, by Robin Johnson
Average member rating: (44 ratings)

It's 1920, you're a minor aristocrat fallen on hard times, and your wretched Aunt Cedilla is on the warpath. A Wodehousean comedy of manners, manors, mysterious butlers and unfriendly poodles.

Aura-Scope, by Square Peg

At the time of our story, the "GREAT COSMIC WHEEL" was in the charge of a strange little gnome-like creature called NUB and he attended to its every need. He had performed this simple duty for as long as any...

Aural Quest, by Mike E. Turner

Free with The Stranglers' "Aural Sculpture" album.

Aureon, by Unknown

Published by DragonHold Software.
Ausflug am Wochenende nach München, by Brett Shelton, David Neville, Brian McInnis
Average member rating: (1 rating)
Karin Moller is an American foreign exchange student living in Freiburg im Breisgau and studying computer science and German at the Albert-Ludwigs University . On a free Saturday she decides to take a...

ausgedachte Träume, by Joël Adami

Eine Wanderung durch eine Reihe von ausgedachten Träumen. Ist das alles nur ein einziger Traum oder ist es eine Reihe von verbundenen Träumen? Gibt es eine versteckte Symbolik hinter der Wasserflasche, der...

Ausgerechnet Mamph Pamph!, by C++
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

The Author and its characters, by Stanwixbuster
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

I think about dynamics a lot.

Authority, by Eva Vikström
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Authority - Life in a Central Government Authority; the game depicts life, objectives, events and language in a contemporary central government authority. It's localized to a west European country, probably...

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