9:05, by Adam Cadre Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (544 ratings) The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings. |
Across The Stars: The Ralckor Incident, by Dark Star and Peter Mattsson Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (29 ratings) In the year 5367 IR, humanity is well established throughout the galaxy. It has been over twenty-thousand years since the Zal'tacs passed through our solar system, trading their technology for our food and... |
An Act of Murder, by Christopher Huang Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (82 ratings) |
Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (136 ratings) "With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all the items... |
Adventure, by William Crowther and Donald Woods Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (99 ratings) |
Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Øyvind Thorsby Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (32 ratings) |
Aisle, by Sam Barlow Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (326 ratings) "Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a... |
All Roads, by Jon Ingold Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (156 ratings) "Wave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread For he on honey-dew hath fed And drunk the milk of paradise." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One] |
Augmented Fourth, by Brian Uri! Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (67 ratings) WANTED: Amateur musicians to serve the Royal Court. Must provide own instrument and be inured to copious constructive criticism. Impress your friends! Meet the King! Apply in person at the Castle, located on... |
Best of Three, by Emily Short Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (62 ratings) |
Beyond, by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi, and Alessandro Peretti Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (45 ratings) A mysterious death, a secret to be revealed… and someone who wants to know the truth, at any cost. ... |
The Blind House, by Amanda Allen Average member rating: (38 ratings) I scarcely know the woman at my side. I don't even know why she was the one I turned to. I can only hope that we haven't been followed, that she won't ask too many questions. The only choice left to me now... |
Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (114 ratings) You have always been different. One in a trillion have your gift, your curse: to move between worlds, never settling, always alone. To Wayfare. Yet there are others like you, and something stronger than... |
Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (31 ratings) A blurb? They expect you to write? You're Lottie Plum so you're not going into writing. You sing. And dance and act up a storm while everyone else can only manage a puddle. You belong at Bridger. No matter... |
Bronze, by Emily Short Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (290 ratings) When the seventh day comes and it is time for you to return to the castle in the forest, your sisters cling to your sleeves. |
Child's Play, by Stephen Granade Shigosei's rating: Average member rating: (54 ratings) It is playgroup day and playgroup day is normally a good day but ever since that little red-haired girl started coming she always wants your toys. She shouldn't get your toys. You tried telling the mom this... |