Adventure, by William Crowther and Donald Woods Average member rating: (97 ratings) |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky Average member rating: (185 ratings) Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary... |
Mindwheel, by Robert Pinsky, William Mataga, Steve Hales Average member rating: (5 ratings) Travel into the minds of four important people to collect the Wheel of Wisdom and save the world: BOBBY CLEMON, assassinated rock star, once called 'half John Lennon and half Janis Joplin'. This charismatic,... |
The Pawn, by Rob Steggles, Peter Kemp, Hugh Steers, Ken Gordon, and Geoff Quilley Average member rating: (28 ratings) The Pawn is an adventure game set in the magical world of Kerovnia during a period of tremendous social upheaval. Recently, King Erik, the present ruler of the land, has started to lose his hold on the... |
Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky Average member rating: (120 ratings) "Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic... |
Trinity, by Brian Moriarty Average member rating: (102 ratings) You're neither an adventurer nor a professional thrill-seeker. You're simply an American tourist in London, enjoying a relaxing stroll through the famous Kensington Gardens. When World War III starts and the... |
Weird City Interloper, by C.E.J. Pacian JonQ's rating: Average member rating: (56 ratings) An interactive tale of strange conspiracy. Pull up your hood, lower your gaze and enter the city of Zendon. If you can gather enough information, you may just be able to change the course of history. (Weird... |
Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling Average member rating: (220 ratings) Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these... |