Skirvin's Wish List

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1893: A World's Fair Mystery, by Peter Nepstad
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

A theft on the fairgrounds! Precious diamonds stolen from the Kimberly Diamond Mining Exhibit! An urgent telegram from your old partner arrives, requesting your help to solve the mystery. How can you refuse?...

9:05, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (538 ratings)

The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings.

Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
Average member rating: (396 ratings)

You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little...

Curses, by Graham Nelson
Average member rating: (132 ratings)

"As "Curses" opens, you're hunting about in the attic of your family home, looking for a tatty old map of Paris (you're going on holiday tomorrow) and generally trying to avoid all the packing. Aunt Jemima...

The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher
Average member rating: (78 ratings)

January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe year. I have...

Losing Your Grip, by Stephen Granade
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
Average member rating: (495 ratings)

Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk just forget. -- IFComp 2007 blurb

Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

The call comes through. Of all the dicks; you get the call, sitting in the front seat of your car, hands shaking on the steering wheel. An urgent call; but all you were thinking of was the bottle in the...

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (131 ratings)

You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what...

A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (116 ratings)

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare It's 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling...

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (562 ratings)

"Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."

Shade, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (418 ratings)

"A one-room game set in your apartment." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]

Spider and Web, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (316 ratings)

A vacation in our lovely country! See the ethnic charms of the countryside, the historic grandeur of the capital city. Taste our traditional cuisine; smell the flowers of the Old Tree. And all without...

Trinity, by Brian Moriarty
Average member rating: (102 ratings)

You're neither an adventurer nor a professional thrill-seeker. You're simply an American tourist in London, enjoying a relaxing stroll through the famous Kensington Gardens. When World War III starts and the...

Vespers, by Jason Devlin
Average member rating: (175 ratings)

It has been five days, now. Five days since I made the choice. Five days since I closed the gate. Really, there was no choice. Rovato was damned when the first spot appeared: when the first bloody cough...

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