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Apple II Leadlight updated to version 1.5
June 8, 2015
Leadlight 1.5 for the Apple II is the basis for Leadlight Gamma.

Leadlight 1.5 has 14 bugfixes, 9+ prose updates and 4 mechanical changes on Leadlight 1.4.
Reported by Wade Clarke | History | Edit | Delete
Leadlight updated to version 1.4
November 20, 2011
Version 1.4 incorporates the following refinements and fixes:

* One item's dropability has been changed. The result is that Leadlight's puzzle content now qualifies as Merciful on the IF cruelty scale when previously it was Cruel. Of course, the combat remains Cruel.
* A new hint has been added to the hint sheet.
* A bug causing the incorrect listing of some pieces of furniture has been fixed.
* The game version number now appears on the title screen as well as down in the credits.
Reported by Wade Clarke (updated on November 20, 2011) | History | Edit | Delete
Leadlight updated to version 1.2 (March 4th, 2011)
March 3, 2011
Version 1.2 accommodates more dancing in the dance room and eliminates two bugs. The Leadlight website has also been updated to reflect improvements to the ActiveGS emulator, including a choice of LCD, Cathode Ray and Green monitor displays.

Bugfixes in 1.2:
* Examining eyes now works properly in the chapel
* It is no longer possible to accidentally score a point when attacking Maureen

Content addition in 1.2:
- There is now a sequence of moves in the dance room

ActiveGS has begun to venture onto the iPhone (the "Best of FTA" app is freely available from iTunes) and I expect that this development will pave the way for Leadlight heading to the iPhone, too.
Reported by Wade Clarke | History | Edit | Delete
Leadlight updated to version 1.1 (18 November, 2010)
November 22, 2010
Version 1.1 of Leadlight is the post IF Comp 2010 release.

Core gameplay remains identical to version 1.0. The update adds many extra or improved descriptions to the gameworld and removes a few bugs:

* Added descriptions to 16 objects
* Updated or improved descriptions for 4 objects and 1 enemy
* Added 4 object synonyms
* Fixed a bug where certain control characters could cause crashing at the prompt
* Fixed a bug which could cause a memory leak and a weird crash
* Fixed a bug where one monster wasn't removed from the game properly after its death
* Fixed apple description bug
* Mystery Girl article fixed
* Missing Sheryl description restored
* After first round of combat the player is reminded 'RETURN' repeats last command
Reported by Wade Clarke | History | Edit | Delete

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