News for Repeat the Ending

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Release 4 (final?) of Repeat the Ending now live
November 16, 2023
I am excited to have completed (I hope) the final update of this weird game. It is primarily a feature release. Here's what's new on that front:

I've heavily revised the hints for earning every point, providing more incremental information and context clues. This comes as a response to player feedback. Please enjoy it!

The second feature is something I'm quite passionate about. I call it "story mode." A few people have worked or are working on their own approaches to guided playthroughs of parser games. I've thought of this primarily as an accessibility feature, though I think people who simply don't enjoy parser games may like it, too. It leads the player through the game in an automated way. The player can pause at any time to experiment or explore. The player can also quit the mode altogether, which may make it a handy tutorial experience for some.

Have a look for yourself! Just select option 2 when the game begins.

As always, if you find a bug, I will add you to the testing credits.

If you (or someone you know) have never played Repeat the Ending, this is the best time yet to give it a try. Thanks everyone for supporting this project!

-Drew “Drew Cook” Cook
Reported by Drew Cook (updated on November 16, 2023) | History | Edit | Delete
Updated to version 3.6
September 12, 2023
In the past month or so, I've worked to unify the builds for standalone and online play of Repeat the Ending, and that work is now complete. With this effort completed, I have decided to stop hosting multiple instances of the game files for Repeat the Ending. Whether you prefer playing online or downloading your own story files, you can find everything you need at my page (linked on the game's main page).

So far as preservation goes, I have uploaded an archive of all game files (including those needed for web publication) to the IF Archive and will always keep updated materials there.

Barring future bug reports or feature requests, I expect that there will be a final v4 release. The primary change will be revision to the hints related to in-game scores. As always, your bug reports are welcome.

Thanks for taking an interest in my game!


PS: If you have trouble with a saved game because of this move, let me know and I'll try to help.
Reported by Drew Cook (updated on September 12, 2023) | History | Edit | Delete
Drew Cook and Callie Smith Discuss the Artwork of "Repeat the Ending"
June 2, 2023
Callie Smith (illustrator) and Drew Cook (author) discuss the artwork in Repeat the Ending. This conversation was recorded before the Spring Thing ribbons were announced. It is primarily an audio recording, though the relevant images are displayed at appropriate times.

BEWARE!!! This recording is filled with spoilers!!!

Drew and Callie Discuss the Artwork of Repeat the Ending

Note #1: Every possible point is transcribed in the file "Full Play Transcript of the Game," and can be experienced in that way. This option was not available at the time of recording.

Note #2: The requirements for earning the true ending were reduced to 17 in Release 3.
Reported by Drew Cook | History | Edit | Delete
Post-Festival Content Now Live at IFDB!
May 18, 2023
The latest version of Repeat the Ending, along with all extra content, is now available from the game's main page. Additionally, the "play online" button is operational. Here's an inventory:
- Release 3 of Repeat the Ending
- A PDF of the original feelie document
- A full play transcript of the game (Spoilers everywhere!)
- A zipped folder of high-res images from the game
- Source code
- Project reflection PDF

What's new in Release 3?
- Enhancements for screen reader technology
- Formatting fixes
- Minor bug fixes

Thanks for your interest in Repeat the Ending, a new "critical edition" of an Inform 5 game about loss, mental illness, and the second law of thermodynamics.
Reported by Drew Cook | History | Edit | Delete

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