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Turn Around: new cover art and actual polish added too
June 4, 2012
On someone mentioned they'd like to see updates of the games as they rolled in. Thanks to the ClubFloyd folks and some late beta-testers, several games are now updated (or have been for a month) and are in the pr-if ZIP file.

--Turn Around is a lot more user-friendly. The item I described as a 'foldout' is now more sensibly described.
--3 other games (I Walk Along Darkened Corridors, I'm Having a Heart Attack, Spider) are also updated.

I'm grateful to all who have helped. And I'm interested in seeing who else updated what in the project. And I encourage people to watch others ClubFloyding their games. It builds character and helps you empathize with the players you want to entertain.

IHAHA will be likely be re-updated in a week with IWADC pending the next ClubFloyd. The ClubFloyd keyed me to a useful feature. You also won't be able to take the fridge. I will swap testing duties, this game for one of yours.
Reported by Andrew Schultz | History | Edit | Delete

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