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Turn Around: new cover art and actual polish added too
June 4, 2012 5:39 PM
On someone mentioned they'd like to see updates of the games as they rolled in. Thanks to the ClubFloyd folks and some late beta-testers, several games are now updated (or have been for a month) and are in the pr-if ZIP file.

--Turn Around is a lot more user-friendly. The item I described as a 'foldout' is now more sensibly described.
--3 other games (I Walk Along Darkened Corridors, I'm Having a Heart Attack, Spider) are also updated.

I'm grateful to all who have helped. And I'm interested in seeing who else updated what in the project. And I encourage people to watch others ClubFloyding their games. It builds character and helps you empathize with the players you want to entertain.

IHAHA will be likely be re-updated in a week with IWADC pending the next ClubFloyd. The ClubFloyd keyed me to a useful feature. You also won't be able to take the fridge. I will swap testing duties, this game for one of yours.
Reported by Andrew Schultz | History | Edit | Delete

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