Ratings and Reviews by GaryW

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In Her Own Hands, by SurpriseDelight
GaryW's Rating:

A Dodecapedic Box, by zeno pillan
GaryW's Rating:

a night at the inn, by KA Tan
GaryW's Rating:

Out Of My Mind, by Volt ⚡
GaryW's Rating:

A Whimsical Search, by Big Puffin Games
GaryW's Rating:

♥Magical Makeover♥, by S. Woodson
GaryW's Rating:

Rescue at Quickenheath, by Mo Farr
GaryW's Rating:

To Beseech Old Sins, by Nic June
GaryW's Rating:

Snowquest, by Eric Eve
GaryW's Rating:

the morning after, by verityvirtue
GaryW's Rating:

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