The main puzzle behind this game drove me crazy for the main reason that it is not something that people would do ordinarily; that is to say, (Spoiler - click to show)giving the hermit back a key to get your dollar back after you've broken it and repaired it with glue. Also, the idea of buying a clarinet, using it, then returning it to get your stupid dollar back is awful. I don't know what country this author lives in, but this is not civilized behavior.
The descriptions in this game, at least in the beginning few rooms, are dreadful. For example, "Above your head tower obtuse angles of gray-shining metal, each segment tilted a different way and so bearing a differing depth of shadow. Higher still a riot of white sunlight twinkles on geometrical patterns of rivets, and beyond, the ceiling is hidden in a glowing haze... presumably." I can't begin to describe the sheer awfulness of this prose so I won't.
Also, there's no back story as to what this Holy Robot Empire is or why you want to kiss the Pope's ring. Just go with it.
All of these criticisms aside, the game has few bugs and WTF moments. It's short but irritating.
Lots of dialogue. Needed more rooms and a longer prologue and epilogue but it was fun. I'm looking forward to playing it with the commentary turned on.
I would have given this three stars had I not gotten a ">" when I tried to "cast spell" on Douglas. If that doesn't work then tell me what the bloody heck I have to do in order to finish the stupid game. Frustratingly bad.
But a whole lot of fun. Like H.P. Lovecraft meets Dr. Seuss in a Zorkish scenario. Very cool.
The subject matter was presented in a way that wasn't off-putting either. The author is very skilled and should write a book.
What's the point of this? I don't need poetry.
I was about to give up before I just typed TALK and there was the way to the end. The three end scenes one right after the other were irksome. I would have liked more than just one room but other than that it was funny so I enjoyed it.
One room. Little description. Kinda reminded me of a story written on a napkin.
I don't care that it's only two and a half bucks. I want to know if the quality of the writing is worth even my time never mind my money.