Reviews by Peedeoo7

Never completed

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Tale of the Starweavers, by Angelique Vordan
Shame it never progressed any farther., November 7, 2017
by Peedeoo7 (North America)
Related reviews: Never completed

From the style of writing, branching paths (seemingly everywhere, and seem critical), the feel that so much can be done.

There are 5 main "starts", each with drastically different situations to start the world in, and then they still split like crazy (Spoiler - click to show)Like you can mess up really badly and replace your blood with fire, summon a (likely) terrible beast to impress the village for JUST a few seconds even though you know basically nothing about magic, be reasonable and do a mostly harmless but flashy spell, exa (stems from just one story line, which remember there are 5 "starts" each going in a drasticly different direction. all of them seem like they would majorly affect the world and the general experience).

Definitely has potential, but seeing the last update was in 2014 I see no farther progress.

To me it's just of those would be awesome things to experience.... that never came to be. looks like it would be lengthy and enjoyable adventure, the choices a'plenty, and diffidently would have the re-playability factor.

But as I said, never got completion. Shame really, would have loved to spend 5+ hours here on the story.

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