Ratings by wolfbiter

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Hand Me Down, by Brett Witty
wolfbiter's Rating:

One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer
wolfbiter's Rating:

Last Vestiges, by thesleuthacademy
wolfbiter's Rating:

Xanthippe's Last Night with Socrates, by Victor Gijsbers
wolfbiter's Rating:

LAKE Adventure, by B.J. Best
wolfbiter's Rating:

Paintball Wizard, by Doug Egan
wolfbiter's Rating:

Honk!, by Alex Harby
wolfbiter's Rating:

One Does Not Simply Fry, by Stewart C Baker and James Beamon
wolfbiter's Rating:

Dr Ludwig and the Devil, by SV Linwood
wolfbiter's Rating:

Assembly, by Ben Kirwin
wolfbiter's Rating:

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