There is a lack of real interaction in this story. It's generally either A or B. And many times it's just 'type this to proceed' which doesn't make for a very interactive story.
In addition the characters are fairly two dimensional and everything just happens pretty quickly.
Despite all of this I was still very interested in the narrative and I wanted very much to play through to the conclusion, which is why it was so frustrating when my game stopped working at the line 'The sound of a deep bell reverberates through the building.'
Please test this a bit better next time so everyone can complete the game.
This is a nice little story about someone with severe anxiety. It’s a small story but well told and contained. I very much related to the character and all of the incidents that occur. I thought this game provided what a lot of interactive works lack and that's a solid internal process. Internal monologue and reasoning. I also love that the aim of the game is not to ‘win’ but to try and achieve some form of tranquility for the main character.
There are some problems, for instance I completed the to-do list on the first day and it was still referenced as a choice on the second day. But that's very small.
I enjoyed this game a lot.
I really enjoyed this. It is so short, but I really liked how simple it was and quite touching too. The time pressure definitely added an interesting element to it as well.