Ratings and Reviews by Ghalev

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Marble Madness, by Emily Short
Ghalev's Rating:

Rockstar, by Anonymous
Ghalev's Rating:

Robot Finds Kitten, by David Griffith, Leonard Richardson
Ghalev's Rating:

Empire of the Over-Mind, by Gary Bedrosian
Ghalev's Rating:

Praser 5, by Andrew Plotkin
Ghalev's Rating:

Simple Adventure, by Paul Allen Panks
Ghalev's Rating:

Westfront PC: The Trials of Guilder, by Paul Allen Panks
Ghalev's Rating:

Jack Toresal and The Secret Letter, by Mike Gentry and David Cornelson
Ghalev's Rating:

Snack Time!, by Hardy the Bulldog and Renee Choba
Ghalev's Rating:

Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed
Ghalev's Rating:

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