Ratings by Perforation

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Woban Island, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Utopia Planitia, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Secret of the Grass Planet, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Marooned on Giri Minor, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Vicious Moles of Nature, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Shelter For the Night, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Eyes on A Moon of Blindness, by Bill Ingersoll
Perforation's Rating:

Cows vs. Aliens!, by BerkaZerka
Perforation's Rating:

Bacon Wars, by playa988
Perforation's Rating:

Hastings, 1066: Aftermath, by TheWriterInTheDark
Perforation's Rating:

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