Ratings and Reviews by necromancer

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Vampire Ltd, by Alex Harby
necromancer's Rating:

Ulterior Spirits, by E.J. Holcomb
necromancer's Rating:

Trusting My Mortal Enemy?! What a Disaster!, by Storysinger Presents
necromancer's Rating:

You Couldn't Have Done That, by Ann Hugo
necromancer's Rating:

The Wayward Story, by Ralfe Rich (as Cristmo Ibarra)
necromancer's Rating:

The Turnip, by Joseph Pentangelo
necromancer's Rating:

The Shadow In The Snow, by Andrew Brown
necromancer's Rating:

The Place, by Ima
necromancer's Rating:

The Moon wed Saturn, by Pseudavid
necromancer's Rating:

The Incredibly Mild Misadventures of Tom Trundle, by B F Lindsay
necromancer's Rating:

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