Ratings by Tabitha

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My Evil Twin, by Carl Muckenhoupt
Tabitha's Rating:

I Palindrome I, by Nick Montfort
Tabitha's Rating:

The Impossible Stairs, by Mathbrush
Tabitha's Rating:

And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One, by B.J. Best
Tabitha's Rating:

The Impossible Bottle, by Linus Åkesson
Tabitha's Rating:

Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
Tabitha's Rating:

Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest
Tabitha's Rating:

Keepsake, by Savaric
Tabitha's Rating:

Read This First, by Jessica Creane
Tabitha's Rating:

Zugzwang, by Vanessa Jygon, Eleanor Jimmy
Tabitha's Rating:

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