Polls with votes for First Things First

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magic systems / accurate time travel - 15 votes for 13 games; created February 17, 2024
A poll by Cygnus
I recently played Never Gives Up Her Dead by Mathbrush, and I loved it a lot. I especially loved the magic part in a certain part, and...

Games featuring a central evolving puzzle mechanism - 29 votes for 13 games; created December 16, 2020
A poll by Lance Campbell
Looking for any games that feature a core puzzle mechanism that the player masters and expands upon throughout the game. The puzzle...

I'm looking for Easter Eggs.. - 28 votes for 21 games; created September 2, 2020
A poll by morganthegirl
I'm somewhat new to IF and was wondering if Easter Eggs are ever hidden in these games as they are in others? If so, which games have...

The great puzzlefests - 124 votes for 50 games; created August 9, 2018
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
Playing Curses!, I started wondering which games belong to the canon of great puzzlefests. With this term I mean puzzle based games that...

Games about Time Travel - 39 votes for 25 games; created June 15, 2016
A poll by Estrong157
more specifically, games with time travel as a gameplay element.

Humble Beginnings - 20 votes for 15 games; created April 30, 2015
A poll by Floating Info
What are some games that start off with the PC in a regular situation but turn into something different? This would include a regular...

Games with unique hint systems - 52 votes for 28 games; created April 27, 2014
A poll by delano
I'm looking for games that offer hints in any way, except for printing them in sequence on the screen. For example: characters that offer...

A poll for games which aren't normally on polls. - 32 votes for 18 games; created April 10, 2012
A poll by Pinstripe
There are some games which are ubiquitous. A poll for funny, happy games? Lost Pig will be there. A poll for beautiful, dramatic games?...

forgotten gems - 58 votes for 27 games; created October 25, 2011
A poll by Marius Müller
I'm looking for games that don't show up in the IF histories or recommended lists, for what reason whatsover. Old games that maybe...

Solved without Hints - 212 votes for 114 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

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