Polls with votes for Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis

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The great puzzlefests - 124 votes for 50 games; created August 9, 2018
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
Playing Curses!, I started wondering which games belong to the canon of great puzzlefests. With this term I mean puzzle based games that...

Canonicity and IF - 243 votes for 57 games; created July 27, 2017
A poll by juliaofbath
I'm interested in determining whether or not a clear canon has emerged within the world of IF/hypertext. Of course, there is a clear...

Longest games you ever played - 69 votes for 24 games; created August 2, 2015
A poll by MathBrush
I'm looking for the game that you played that had the most content (not necessarily being stuck on a puzzle for a long time)

Long-Form Games That Don't Require Mapping - 37 votes for 19 games; created August 30, 2013
A poll by Sdn
Playing Losing Your Grip has reminded me of just how tedious I find manual mapping in lengthy games, no matter how much I enjoy...

All the Pretty Sources - 30 votes for 21 games; created December 20, 2012
A poll by Jeremy Freese
IF games that have source code available that you'd hold up as an example of what good looking source code is supposed to look like. (I...

Vast but not Cruel - 37 votes for 13 games; created December 10, 2012
A poll by Floating Info
I'd like to see games that are long and spacious, yet aren't Cruel (or very Nasty) on the Zarfian scale. Essentially, games that the main...

This Is Who We Are - 68 votes for 31 games; created September 12, 2012
A poll by Sam Kabo Ashwell
A considerable number of games exist largely as the commentary of the IF community (or some subset of it) upon the medium and the...

"Camp" Games - 20 votes for 12 games; created April 15, 2012
A poll by Pinstripe
Games which have, or might be considered to have, a camp aesthetic or sense of humor. "Camp is a certain mode of aestheticism. It is one...

Sex in non-adult IF - 43 votes for 26 games; created March 20, 2012
A poll by Ferret From Hell
It struck me the other day that sex is one thing that actually seems to feature rarely in IF. What games are there, other than out and...

Sublime Moments - 109 votes for 57 games; created May 19, 2011
A poll by Sam Kabo Ashwell
I've been thinking about games that provide really brilliant moments. This is not about the overall quality of the game: there are plenty...

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