Polls with votes for Heroine's Mantle
Go to this game's overview1–6 of 6games with female protagonists -
56 votes for 38 games; created July 11, 2018A poll by
Longest games you ever played -
69 votes for 24 games; created August 2, 2015A poll by
MathBrushI'm looking for the game that you played that had the most content (not necessarily being stuck on a puzzle for a long time)
Combat puzzle games -
33 votes for 18 games; created December 12, 2012A poll by
Jeremy FreeseWhat I'm looking for are games that have fights that are ostensibly combat, but the solution to winning the fight is really a matter of...
IF that purposely conceals crucial player character information -
66 votes for 21 games; created October 28, 2012A poll by
Puddin TameIF that doesn't explicitly clue players in on knowledge they would/should have if they actually were the player character (The...
Up, Up, and Away: IF starring super heroes -
23 votes for 14 games; created October 11, 2012A poll by
MollyIt's often been said that super-heroes are a poor fit for IF, given the reliance of the former on flashy, colorful costumes and fights....
"Camp" Games -
20 votes for 12 games; created April 15, 2012A poll by
PinstripeGames which have, or might be considered to have, a camp aesthetic or sense of humor. "Camp is a certain mode of aestheticism. It is one...
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