Recommended Lists mentioning Once and Future
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextPeople's Champion Tournament 2025 - 64 items
January 14, 2025A list by
HidnookA fan-driven competition hosted by @otistdog, featuring 64 player-nominated games. See the thread for more information. Favorite Fours From Industrious Implementors, 2G - 28 items
March 27, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishSome I.F. writers write more than others. Here are my favorite four games from authors who've released at least half-a-dozen games to...
Dueling With Dragons - 13 items
March 27, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishDragons are a favorite in fantastic fiction, but they don't get as much love in I.F. as they used to. So, here's a list of games that...
Noteworthy T2 Games [Formerly: Which Can't Be Played on the Web] - 45 items
March 26, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishThis list was created because TADS 2 didn't have a Web-based 'terp for a long time. It's still here because these games, from long ago,...
Opus Ignored: Big games that didn't take off - 15 items
August 20, 2017A list by
MathBrushIt happens over and over: an author spends hundreds of hours on a game, often setting up a commercial company, and then releases it to...
Best fantasy games - 68 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are my favorite games that include some sort of magical or fantastical element. Games with mostly horror or sci-fi elements are on...
Forgotten Treasures of IFDB - 33 items
October 13, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are great, either in my opinion or in many others, but which have been forgotten. By forgotten, I mean it satisfies...
Games of Infocom quality and length (or better) - 41 items
July 31, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure,...
My List Of Most Fun Games Ever - 29 items
May 16, 2011A list by
Rotonoto(in purely alphabetical order)
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