Recommended Lists mentioning Lock & Key

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IF Arcade - 5 items   June 14, 2017
A list by Ivanr
Graham Nelson once said that a text adventure is a "novel at war with a crossword puzzle". In some works, the novel wins, and in some the...

Games that made me smile - 48 items   January 26, 2016
A list by MathBrush
I wanted to do a list of comedy games, but I think people rarely think "I want to play a comedy game"; to me, the phrase brings up some...

Zorkian fantasy games - 29 items   January 12, 2016
A list by MathBrush
My best fantasy games list is getting too long, so I decided to branch off a list of all Zorkian fantasy games. These are games that have...

Most unusual games - 52 items   November 4, 2015
A list by MathBrush
These are games that are very different than most games on IFDB. Some games that are exceptional in execution (like Counterfeit Monkey)...

intriguing games i want to play - 20 items   June 29, 2014
A list by vincent

Xyzzy "Best Individual Puzzle" winners - 19 items   July 10, 2012
A list by Nusco
All the games that won the Best Individual Puzzle award, year by year. I'll avoid giveaway spoilers in my comments, but I'll still...

Some interesting games - 17 items   November 12, 2011
A list by Atropos

Recommended List - 3 items   October 17, 2011
A list by katie087
1. Lost Pig by Admiral Jota 2. Lock & Key by Adam Cadre 3. Best of Three by Emily Short

Innovative Interactive Fiction - 7 items   January 2, 2008
A list by Victor Gijsbers
Much Interactive Fiction, and some of the best, quite obviously descends from Zork and other early Infocom text adventures. But some of...

Replay puzzles - 7 items   October 17, 2007
A list by Emily Short
Games which are entirely devoted to a single big puzzle, usually one that the player has to replay a number of times to get exactly...

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