Recommended Lists mentioning Lock & Key
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextIF Arcade - 5 items
June 14, 2017A list by
IvanrGraham Nelson once said that a text adventure is a "novel at war with a crossword puzzle". In some works, the novel wins, and in some the...
Games that made me smile - 48 items
January 26, 2016A list by
MathBrushI wanted to do a list of comedy games, but I think people rarely think "I want to play a comedy game"; to me, the phrase brings up some...
Zorkian fantasy games - 29 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushMy best fantasy games list is getting too long, so I decided to branch off a list of all Zorkian fantasy games. These are games that have...
Most unusual games - 52 items
November 4, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are very different than most games on IFDB. Some games that are exceptional in execution (like Counterfeit Monkey)...
intriguing games i want to play - 20 items
June 29, 2014A list by
Xyzzy "Best Individual Puzzle" winners - 19 items
July 10, 2012A list by
NuscoAll the games that won the Best Individual Puzzle award, year by year. I'll avoid giveaway spoilers in my comments, but I'll still...
Some interesting games - 17 items
November 12, 2011A list by
Recommended List - 3 items
October 17, 2011A list by
katie0871. Lost Pig by Admiral Jota 2. Lock & Key by Adam Cadre 3. Best of Three by Emily Short
Innovative Interactive Fiction - 7 items
January 2, 2008A list by
Victor GijsbersMuch Interactive Fiction, and some of the best, quite obviously descends from Zork and other early Infocom text adventures. But some of...
Replay puzzles - 7 items
October 17, 2007A list by
Emily ShortGames which are entirely devoted to a single big puzzle, usually one that the player has to replay a number of times to get exactly...
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